xissy / node-amazon-reviews

A node.js module to crawl product reviews from Amazon.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I can't get ReviewIds

JuanCrg90 opened this issue · comments

Hi, i try to use your module, i made many test with differents ASIN (ProductId) but all the test return an empty array

I use this ASIN ids:

  • B002WB2G9I
  • B00005IBXJ
  • B0031KVY1K

My code is this:

var AmazonReviews = require('amazon-reviews');
productId: 'B0031KVY1K'
}, function(err, reviewIds) {

I don't have experience with coffee script, can you help me, i don't know if i'm doing a bad use of the function.


@xissy :my program running on V0.12.6 has the same result as @JuanCrg90, no error information, but return empty array of reviewIds. But is the reviewIds truly a string type? Is there anything we miss for applying this modules?

Thanks and BR.

+1 same issue

So I have looked into the issue a bit more, looks like the structure of the reviews page has changes a bit. I updated some IDs and a few other fixes and I am now able to pull the IDs of the first page.

Looks like the pagination changed quite a bit so that is going to require more work. I'll post again when I have something useful.

Here is my fork with what I have so far:



Have you looked into the pagination yet?
I would like to help if thats possible!
