xiprox / WaniKani-for-Android

An android client application for the awesome kanji learning website wanikani.com

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IME keyboard issue

shadykit opened this issue · comments

I like to use Google's Japanese 12 key input because a) I find I make less typos for pronunciation and b) I've been trying to strengthen the connection between the sound and the kana symbol without the romaji bridge I'm between. In the app, when I switch my Gboard keyboard to Japanese, it immediately switches the input to 12 key romaji instead of defaulting to kana like the keyboard should. It doesn't do this on the site. I have the GBoard keyboard 3rd party from the play store, if that makes a difference.

In* between. Case in point for typos, lol. They're easier to make in Japanese even than English for me.

I've been having the same issue with the app since starting to use GBoard's 12 key Japanese input.

I think I've narrowed down the cause a little, it seems to be related to the 'No suggestions' option in the settings.

If I disable that it works as expected.