xiprox / WaniKani-for-Android

An android client application for the awesome kanji learning website wanikani.com

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App gets stuck after correct answer in Reviews

squasheds opened this issue · comments

Running the latest Alpha version.

Sometimes, after correctly answering a Reading question and clicking to go on, its answer seems to be dragged into the next question, which becomes un-answerable and un-skipable. Once this happens, it is imposible to go forward (sacrificing the current question) because the > arrow won't do anything, only going back by pressing Home or <- arrow is posible. It has happened about five times since installing the Alpha a couple of days back.

In this case, previous question was "ganmen" and, I believe, this reading was "tombstone" (or whatever it might have been XD). As can be seen, to to and ne were added to the previous "ganmen" as I tried to answer this new question.


I'm aware. It's been happening to me as well and it's annoying as hell. Pretty sure it was introduced with #49. Haven't had the time to look into it yet though.

@Aralox If you have an idea or could tackle this anytime soon, that'd be great.

I'll have a look tomorrow after work (2245 at the moment)

Submitted a PR (#52). It's a pretty simple bug which I should have found before submitting my last pull request - my bad.

I had to create a new WaniKani account to test reviewing radicals, as I have too many vocab reviews on my main account. I've not tested the exact scenario you described @squasheds, as I don't have any reading reviews available yet. I'm fairly confident it only happens for radicals, but please try out the fix and let me know anyway. I'll verify it once I unlock some kanji on my new account :).

@xiprox, how would you like pull requests to be done? I just made my change on the master branch and committed, but do you prefer if I made a new branch for any changes?

Also, could you please mention in the readme that to compile the project, we have to create a google-services.json file from https://developers.google.com/mobile/add and add it to the WaniKani folder inside the repo (this also seems to be why the CI is crashing at the moment).

I'll be taking a look at the #52 shortly.

And yes, on-topic names for branches would probably be nice.

Has the fix been implemented in the available beta at playstore? I downloaded it three days ago and there has been no new update. I just had the bug happen twice again today when going from a reading question to a radical one. Yesterday it also happened when going from a meaning question though I dont remember to which kind of question it crossed.

@squasheds The change is now up on the alpha track on the Play Store. I haven't been able to test it myself, so can't say if it works for sure.

App updated 3 hours ago, problem persist on my phone. Any debug log or other info I can contribute?

I just did around 40 reviews in different batches and had no occurrences of this issue. In contrast, reverting #52 brings back the error even with only a few reviews.

@madmalkav Are you sure you are on the latest alpha, again? I just promoted alpha to beta though, so you should get it there in a bit anyway. EDIT: It's now live in the beta.

Ok. I take it that it's solved for you as well now? Guess this issue can be closed.