xiprox / WaniKani-for-Android

An android client application for the awesome kanji learning website wanikani.com

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Can't edit meaning notes during reviews

Emrayla opened this issue · comments

I type a letter or two and then the box deselects. Happens every time I select the text box.

Yeah, this is a known issue. Might or might not be fixed sometime soon.

I'm also having this issue.

By known issue, are you referring to issue #9? You mention the globe icon there. Do you mean the eyeball?

After answering a review (whether correctly or not), I click on the meaning icon (the eyeball), then click on the "Click to add note" box in the Reading/Meaning Note area.

The problem only seems to occur if bringing up the keyboard causes the screen to scroll up. If there was already enough room for the text field AND the keyboard without the screen moving, the keyboard does not disappear.