xioTechnologies / Gait-Tracking

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some issues with imufusion settings and other questions

pier098 opened this issue · comments


I'm using your code to plot a 3D figure of gait tracked with my Arduino MKR IMU shield (BNO055), but I'm encountering some problems. In particular, I believe that the plotted position (in meters) does not match reality.

First of all, I collected 10Hz data for over 60 minutes without filtering the data in my Arduino code. Do I need to filter the data?

The IMU was upside-down, so the z-axis was pointing downwards. I set the NED convention, but do I need to multiply the acceleration by -1?

These are my imufusion settings:
``ahrs.settings = imufusion.Settings(imufusion.CONVENTION_NED, 0.8, 2000, 20, 10, 1 * sample_rate)```

And I modified the acceleration threshold as follows:

`is_moving[i] = numpy.sqrt(acceleration[i].dot(acceleration[i])) > 0.55

and the margin :

margin = int(0.1 * sample_rate)

Could you please tell me if I have set the parameters correctly?

Thank you.

"Do I need to filter the data?"

"do I need to multiply the acceleration by -1"

"Could you please tell me if I have set the parameters correctly?"
The original parameters already work well for the example data and should work for any data of sufficient quality to be used in this application.

I suggest you increase your sample rate to 100 Hz and start by logging just a few steps in a straight line. You may also find it useful to look through closed issues to see what other people have shared when using this code.

Thank you so much for your answer !

Does your filter work well for my purpose if I only use the IMU (i.e. 3D visualizing of position for a long time) ? I'm asking because in your PhD thesis, it's written that it could be used with cheap sensors and it works well. However, I've read a closed issue where you advised integrating it with GNSS

I expect you will get very poor results with a sample rate of 10 Hz.

Thank you so much for your answer !

Does your filter work well for my purpose if I only use the IMU (i.e. 3D visualizing of position for a long time) ? I'm asking because in your PhD thesis, it's written that it could be used with cheap sensors and it works well. However, I've read a closed issue where you advised integrating it with GNSS

His man,,, is it working for you??