xinyadu / nqg

neural question generation for reading comprehension

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Availability of trained models

rahular opened this issue · comments

Hi, first of all, thank you for open sourcing the code base. In the README you mention that Paragraph-level model and sentence-level model will be made available soon.

Can you give a rough timeframe of when these models will be made available?

@farizrahman4u thanks. Is this for sentence or paragraph level?


@farizrahman4u Is this a torch model?, i have tried loading in pytorch, and i am facing this error
T7ReaderException: unknown type id 32. The file may be corrupted.
Can you guide me to how to load it ?

First copy the trained model to sentence/model.
Then Inside the sentence folder run: th translate.lua -model model/<model file name> -config config-trans . You have to change <model file name> with the name of the trained model and in config-trans change src=../data/processed/src-dev.txt to src=path_to_your_input_sentence_text_file
You normally will get the result printed out on the terminal after running the command.