xinntao / Real-ESRGAN

Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.

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train own pair data x2

ramnoob opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the great GAN.

I have one question.
How can I do x2 training using my own paired data?
Is it enough to change scale: 4 to 2 in finetune_realesrgan_x4plus_pairdata.yml?

You also need to modify the scale in the network arch and the pre-trained model paths.

You can refer to this option file for X2 model:

You also need to modify the scale in the network arch and the pre-trained model paths.

You can refer to this option file for X2 model:

For finetuning x2 network on paired data, could you please share RealESRNet_x2plus.pth if you have?
Besides, it seems that the finetune_realesrgan_x4plus_pairdata.yml can be directly used for x2 if change paths and scale: 4 to 2?