xingyizhou / CenterTrack

Simultaneous object detection and tracking using center points.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Misidentification and non-aligned Bounding boxes

Justicator5 opened this issue · comments

Thank you so much for your awesome work!
I am currently experiencing problems with videos outside of the demo provided.

I am currently running the program using the below:
python tracking,ddd --load_model ../models/nuScenes_3Dtracking.pth --dataset nuscenes --pre_hm --track_thresh 0.1 --demo ../videos/test_one.mp4
**Note: I am not sure of the focal length and when trying to use input_h and input_w I am not sure how to scale the resolution from the pixel width and height.

When ran, I experience an error where the 3D bounding boxes are not aligned or scaled correctly and the object's identification fluctuates between correct and incorrect identities.

Please see image. In this included image we see a truck that is identified as a bus. This identification fluctuates between truck, bus, and trailer. Also, note the bounding boxes misalignment.

How do I go about correcting these issues? Thanks for your time. I appreciate you.

I am facing the same issue as well.

Are there anyone with solution?