xingxuanli / Piano_Bit_by_Bit

Computation Struncture (1D game)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

50002_1D_mojo_project --- Piano Bit-By-Bit

Final 1D Project for 50.002 Computational Structure

Group Member:

Li Xingxuan 1002189
Zhao Guanlun 1001429
Angelina Law 1002417
Kimberly Loh Cheng Lin 1002221

This project aims to use mojo FPGA to build a piano game that utilize an octave of a piano keys for the gameplay. Players must press corresponding piano key of the ‘falling’ notes, which is displayed in the screen, in the correct sequences and timing.

The game is based on an alternate version of whack a mole, where the player must follow the musical notes in the correct sequence. This aims to teach the player about how to briefly play the piano, be more alert and train on their hand-eye coordination.


Please find the demonstration video in the following link:


Computation Struncture (1D game)


Language:Verilog 85.3%Language:JavaScript 5.5%Language:Tcl 3.4%Language:Shell 3.2%Language:HTML 1.8%Language:Batchfile 0.8%