xiaoyili / Python-ELM

Extreme Learning Machine implementation in Python

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Extreme Learning Machine implementation in Python Version 0.2

This is an implementation of the Extreme Learning Machine in python, based on the scikit-learn machine learning library.

Distance and dot product based hidden layers are provided via the RBFRandomLayer and SimpleRandomLayer classes respectively.

The SimpleRandomLayer provides the following activation functions:

tanh, sine, tribas, sigmoid, hardlim

The RBFRandomLayer provides the following activation functions:

gaussian, multiquadric and polyharmonic spline ('poly_spline')

In addition, each random hidden layer class can take a callable user provided transfer function. See the docstrings and the example ipython notebook for details.

There's a little demo in plot_elm_comparison.py (based on scikit-learn's plot_classifier_comparison).

Requires that scikit-learn be installed, along with its usual prerequisites, and ipython to use elm_notebook.py (though it can be tweaked to run without it).

This is a work in progress, it may be restructured as time goes by.

  • David C Lambert March, 2013 [dcl -at- panix -dot- com]


Extreme Learning Machine implementation in Python
