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A more concise solution to "072_Bcdadd4"

Lysias-1998 opened this issue · comments

The first bcd_fadder instance may be merged into the for loop as by tuning the genvar i and a larger temp signal c.

module top_module( 
    input [15:0] a, b,
    input cin,
    output cout,
    output [15:0] sum );
    wire [4:0] c;
    assign c[0] = cin;
    assign cout = c[4];
        genvar i;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin : adders
            bcd_fadd the_bcd_fadders ( 
                .a(a[i*4+3 : i*4]), 
                .b(b[i*4+3 : i*4]), 
                .sum(sum[i*4+3 : i*4]) 


file location:

It works and is really concise, and i update the file by using your solution as a second choice. Thx~