XiaoDuan / ios_file_browser

A file browser for an application's documents directory in ios

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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IOS File Browser

What is it?
A file browser for IOS to make saving and loading documents a little more like the desktop.

1. Drag the contents of the "source" folder into your project and check "copy items into destination group's folder".
2. Import "PXRFileBrowser.h"

The methods to use it are are:
- (void)saveFile:(NSData*)file withType:(NSString*)fileType andDefaultFileName:(NSString*)defaultName;
- (void)browseForFileWithType:(NSString*)fileType;
- (void)browseForFileWithTypes:(NSArray*)ft;

The delegate callbacks are:
- (void)fileBrowserFinishedPickingFile:(NSData*)file withName:(NSString*)fileName;
- (void)fileBrowserCanceledPickingFile;
- (void)fileBrowserFinishedSavingFileNamed:(NSString*)fileName;
- (void)fileBrowserCanceledSavingFile:(NSData*)file;

For saving files call save file with an NSData object, it's file extention and a default name to appear in the file name field.
For loading files pass either an NSArray or string of the file types you want to be able to load.
Set the delegate.  This will notify your class when file saving/loading has been completed.
Present the file browser as a modal view controller.
Release the file browser.

There are examples for iphone and ipad in the "examples" folder.

Static Library Note:
If you're using the static library libios_file_browser.a in your project, you'll
need to add the linker flag "-all_load" to the "other linker flags" option in
your application's build settings.


A file browser for an application's documents directory in ios