xiaods / k8e

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RFC: support kuasar runtime with containerd

xiaods opened this issue · comments

as pure kubernetes distribution, k8e's feature is almost like k3s. we aimed to fast enterprise adoption with serverless technology.

  • k8e containerd support devmapper plugin
  • kuasar support
  • Testing feature


  1. https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker
  2. https://github.com/kuasar-io/kuasar

use kata to quickstart use vmm on k8s.

Proposed solution: provide another engine for K8E, Kata provides a one-click reference that can work directly with runc. And firecrack does not apply directly to K8S, this limits our design, so, after consideration, it is recommended to unify the management of VMM containers through Kata

follow kata-containers/kata-containers#2207 we need let k8e containerd support devmapper plugin.

[root@ip-172-31-28-183 ~]# k8e ctr plugins list
TYPE                                  ID                       PLATFORMS      STATUS    
io.containerd.content.v1              content                  -              ok        
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1          aufs                     linux/amd64    skip      
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1          btrfs                    linux/amd64    skip      
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1          devmapper                linux/amd64    error  
  1. 首先安装Device Mapper,使用命令yum install device-mapper-persistent-data
  2. 配置Device Mapper,使用命令systemctl enable devicemapper
  3. 打开/etc/lvm/lvm.conf文件,添加以下内容:
devices {
    dir = "/dev/mapper"
    scan = [ "/dev/mapper" ]
    filter = [ "a|/dev/loop|", "a|/dev/dm-|", "r/.*/" ]
  1. 保存并关闭文件
  2. 启动Device Mapper,使用命令systemctl start devicemapper
  3. 下载containerd的devmapper plugin,使用命令wget https://github.com/containerd/devmapper/releases/download/v1.1.1/devmapper-1.1.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  4. 解压文件,使用命令tar -xvf devmapper-1.1.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  5. 将devmapper plugin 安装到containerd,使用命令containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
  6. 重启containerd,使用命令systemctl restart containerd
  7. 验证devmapper plugin的安装,使用命令containerd plugin ls | grep devmapper

在/var/lib/k8e/agent/etc/containerd/confg.toml.tmpl 中配置模板, 然后重启服务后k8e就会加载devmapper plugin snapshotter

    root_path = "/var/lib/k8e/agent/containerd"
    pool_name = "devpool"
    base_image_size = "8192MB"
    discard_blocks = true

reference: https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/main/docs/snapshotters/devmapper.md

  • sudo ctr plugin ls, make sure the devmapper plugin status is ok
  • sudo dmsetup ls check devices exist.
  • check /var/lib/k8e/agent/etc/containerd/confg.toml configuration is OK

report issue on kata community: kata-containers/kata-containers#6317

report issue on kata community: kata-containers/kata-containers#6317

no response from kata community.

libkrun is a dynamic library that allows programs to easily acquire the ability to run processes in a partially isolated environment using KVM Virtualization.




我们还正在开发实验性扩展Guest内核,以打破VM和容器之间的障碍,例如透明套接字模仿(Transparent Socket Impersonation),它提供了一定程度的网络命名空间透明度,并会有更多功能推出。


https://kuasar.io/docs/architecture/why-kuasar/ 今天看到这个,直接替换 runc,提供多 sandbox 方案。可以啊。


kuasar 正在申请 cncf sandbox

看着不错,期待 kuasar


k8e 替换了 containerd , PR #331

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