xfzhou / enviwrite

by Louis:UDO "enviwrite ": export arrays in scidb to envi format

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EnviWrite is a SciDB UDO (User Defined Operator) for the export of SciDB arrays
to ENVI binary files. This UDO has not been successfully implemented and needs
to be completed.

Call the UDO in SciDB: enviwrite(array, exportFilePath, interleave, byteOrder);

LogicalEnviWrite.cpp - Checks UDO arguments.
PhyicalEnviWrite.cpp - Does the heavy lifting.
EnviWrite.hpp - Functions to write the export file.
EnviParameters - Functions to read in the UDO arguments.

SciDB User Defined Operators
SciDB has user defined functions and user defined operators. The user defined
functions are functions that operate on cells in SciDB arrays. User defined
operators are operators that operate on arrays themselves. The user guide, as of
SciDB 13.9, does not document how to create UDOs; rather, a guide on how to
create UDOs was requested by many SciDB users in the forum and the developers
responded by including UDO examples in the SciDB source code. The examples are
located in .../scidb-, for SciDB 13.9. The
SciDB source code an be downloaded from SciDB's website. You need to create an
account to download the source code and documentation. This UDO is based on
the example UDOs.

Compiling EnviWrite UDO
To compile the UDO, simply edit the Makefile so that it points to the SciDB
source code and change the version of SciDB to the one that you are using.
Calling 'make' will compile the source code and create 'libenviwrite.so',
assuming you have all the dependencies necessary to do the compilation. Copy the
'libenviwrite.so' file to the pugins folder in SciDB, load the library, and run
the UDO. The SciDB UDO examples have a readme file that explains how to compile
their example UDOs. This UDO was created following the steps in the example UDO
readme file.

This is a bash shell script created to help test the UDO. SciDB must be running
when executing this script. The script:

1. Unloads the enviwrite library file into SciDB.
2. Stops SciDB. The library does not actually get unloaded until SciDB restarts.
3. Recompiles the UDO
4. Starts SciDB.
5. Loads the recompiled UDO.

Logical and Physical
SciDB splits the logic for the UDO into 2 sparate parts, the logical part and
the physical part. The logical part checks the input arguments and formats the
output array depending on the input. The phyical part does all the actual work.
See the comments in the UDO examples for explaination on how this works.

What this code does
The current enviwrite UDO can export 2-byte unsigned integers from a SciDB
array. This UDO runs correctly for SciDB running one instance, but I have not
figured out how to grab the array chunks from every instance, if SciDB has more
than one instance running, and place them on the coordinator instance to export.
To do this, you need a good understanding of how SciDB is implemented, i.e. how
it works under the hood. I have not found the documentation, nor the comments in
the examples and source code, to be detailed enough for me to get a
understanding of how to do this. Hopefully for you, at the time of reading this,
SciDB has matured enough in its documentaiton, or you are a better programmer
than I, so that you can finish this UDO implementation. Good luck.


by Louis:UDO "enviwrite ": export arrays in scidb to envi format


Language:C++ 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%