xfangfang / Macast

Macast is a cross-platform application which using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer.

Home Page:https://xfangfang.github.io/Macast/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUG] 播放器无法选择

untilyou0715 opened this issue · comments


  • System: MacOS
  • System version: 11.4
  • Processor architecture: X86

Bug recurrence


Additional information

(More description of this bug)


Macast Loading Language: zh_CN
{'Additional_Interfaces': [], 'ApplicationPort': 49439, 'Blocked_Interfaces': [], 'CheckUpdate': 1, 'DLNA_FriendlyName': 'Macast(bogon)', 'DLNA_Renderer': 'Default', 'MenubarIcon': 1, 'PlayerHW': 1, 'PlayerHW_Force': 1, 'PlayerSize_Auto': 2, 'StartAtLogin': 0, 'USN': '1c8663a2-01c0-4994-8754-49e55d412dcd'}
<Load Renderer from iina-v0
title : IINA Renderer
renderer : IINARenderer
platform : darwin
version : 0.2-beta1
author : xfangfang
desc : IINA support for Macast
No module named 'renderer.iina-v0'
Load renderer MPVRenderer done
using renderer: Default
2021-10-09 20:56:45.018 Macast[731:10796] WARNING: the default quit button is disabled. To exit the application gracefully, another button should have a callback of quit_application or call it indirectly.
ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
INFO:cherrypy.error:[09/Oct/2021:20:56:45] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
INFO:cherrypy.error:[09/Oct/2021:20:56:45] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
INFO:cherrypy.error:[09/Oct/2021:20:56:45] ENGINE Bus STARTED
INFO:main:Server current run on port: 49439
INFO:main:tag_name: v0.65
ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
INFO:MPVRenderer:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 1, 'name': 'volume', 'data': 50.0}
INFO:MPVRenderer:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 3, 'name': 'pause', 'data': False}
2021-10-09 20:56:51.076 Macast[731:10796] <MenuItem: ['IINA Renderer' -> []; callback: <bound method MenuItem.rumpsCallback of <macast.gui.MenuItem object at 0x10932ba90>>]>
2021-10-09 20:56:51.077 Macast[731:10796] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/Macast.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.9/rumps/rumps.py", line 1121, in callback

File "/Applications/Macast.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.9/rumps/rumps.py", line 397, in _call_as_function_or_method
File "/Applications/Macast.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.9/macast/gui.py", line 92, in _rumpsCallback
File "/Applications/Macast.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.9/macast/macast.py", line 560, in on_renderer_change_click
File "/Applications/Macast.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.9/macast/macast.py", line 254, in get_instance
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable


解决办法:把本地的iina-v0.3.py改为iina.py 测试看看
