xero / figlet-fonts

my collection of figlet / toilet ascii art fonts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Latin characters for other languages (i.e. ñ)

jrcharney opened this issue · comments

A lot of these alphabet sets don't include characters that could be used in other languages.
Things like "ñ" (n with a tidle) are not included in a lot of character sets. Other things like vowels with accent marks and dicritics are also lacking.

When you run figlet with a font like Alligator to print a word like "piñata", it prints out "piata". Even if you use the hexadecimal escape codes it still looks like this.

 echo -e "Piñata\n" | figlet -d /home/pi/Downloads/Software/github.com/xero/figlet-fonts -f "Alligator" -k -w $(tput cols)
      ::::::::: :::::::::::     ::: ::::::::::: :::
     :+:    :+:    :+:       :+: :+:   :+:   :+: :+:
    +:+    +:+    +:+      +:+   +:+  +:+  +:+   +:+
   +#++:++#+     +#+     +#++:++#++: +#+ +#++:++#++:
  +#+           +#+     +#+     +#+ +#+ +#+     +#+
 #+#           #+#     #+#     #+# #+# #+#     #+#
###       ########### ###     ### ### ###     ###

Fraktur does have "ü" (u with an umlaut), but when you run it through figlet, "über" still looks like "ber"

echo -e "über\n" | figlet -d /home/pi/Downloads/Software/github.com/xero/figlet-fonts -f "Fraktur" -k -w $(tput cols)
. uW8"
`t888                     .u    .
 8888   .        .u     .d88B :@8c
 9888.z88N    ud8888.  ="8888f8888r
 9888  888E :888'8888.   4888>'88"
 9888  888E d888 '88%"   4888> '
 9888  888E 8888.+"      4888>
 9888  888E 8888L       .d888L .+
.8888  888" '8888c. .+  ^"8888*"
 `%888*%"    "88888%       "Y"
    "`         "YP'

Is there something I'm missing has anyone else patched these fonts to include more characters?