xerial / sbt-sonatype

A sbt plugin for publishing Scala/Java projects to the Maven central.

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No staging profile found error

kemitix opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to deploy artifacts within the organisation net.kemitix.thorp, using my existing sonatype profile net.kemitix. However, I keep getting the error No staging profile found for net.kemitix.thorp. I have set both organization and sonatypeProfileName, but the profile name is being ignored.

I'm concerned that this line might be causing my setting to be ignored.

I think you need to check the result of $ sbt sonatypeProfileName to see what configuration is effective in your build.

I get:

[info] storage-api / sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp
[info] core / sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp
[info] thorp-lib / sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp
[info] storage-aws / sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp
[info] domain / sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp
[info] cli / sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp
[info] sonatypeProfileName
[info] 	net.kemitix.thorp

Then you need to include sonatypeProfileName setting to the common setting so that every project can look at that value.

Thanks. sbt sonatypeProfileName is showing me what I want to see now.