xerial / sbt-sonatype

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Can not set sonatypeProfileName

sagifogel opened this issue · comments



I'm having trouble deploying to https://s01.oss.sonatype.org.
I tried using these lines:
ThisBuild / sonatypeProfileName: = "io.github.sagifogel"
ThisBuild / sonatypeCredentialHost: = Sonatype.sonatype01
ThisBuild / sonatypeRepository: = s "https: // $ {Sonatype.sonatype01} / service / local"

But somehow the default sonatype repository https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local is used.


This is my repository
This is my sonatype jira ticket

Thank you very much.

I'm not sure how sbt-ci-release uses sbt-sonatype, but at least you can check the setting by running sonatypeRespository command:

$ sbt
> sonatypeRepository 

For some reason, your project uses the default one for all projects:

sbt:proptics> sonatypeRepository
[info] coreJVM / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] lawJVM / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] testJVM / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] example / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] profunctorJVM / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] propticsJVM / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] coreJS / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] profunctorJS / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] lawJS / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] testJS / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] propticsJS / sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local
[info] sonatypeRepository
[info] 	https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local

So you may need to add sonatypCredentialHost setting for each of your project, instead of setting it globally at ThisBuild scope.


It worked, thank you very much.
Unfortunately I have another problem.

It seems that I try to publish under my organization name com.github.sagifogel although I explicitly set the
sonatypeProfileName := "io.github.sagifogel" for each project like you wrote.

profile-target-matching-staging, failureMessage:Profile target mismatch: /com/github/sagifogel/proptics-core_sjs1_2.12/0.1.0/proptics-core_sjs1_2.12-0.1.0-javadoc.jar.asc.md5

and also If I run

sbt sonatypeProfileName

I get

sbt:proptics> sonatypeProfileName
[info] lawJVM / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] coreJVM / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] profunctorJVM / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] example / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] testJVM / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] propticsJVM / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] coreJS / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] profunctorJS / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] lawJS / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] testJS / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] propticsJS / sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel
[info] sonatypeProfileName
[info]  io.github.sagifogel


What am I doing wrong?

Thanks again.


@xerial can you please help?

You need to fix your organization setting in your build.sbt. For example, you are explicitly setting com.github.sagifogel
at https://github.com/sagifogel/Proptics/blob/master/build.sbt#L8

But your sonatype profile name is io.github.saigfogel, so Sonatype always rejects releasing artifacts to other than under io.github.saigfogel


It worked.
Thank you very much for your help.