xerial / sbt-sonatype

A sbt plugin for publishing Scala/Java projects to the Maven central.

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Reached the max retry count error

regadas opened this issue · comments

Hi @xerial

with the latest release I'm seeing this:

2020-03-27 13:10:01.257Z error [Sonatype] 
wvlet.airframe.http.HttpClientMaxRetryException: Reached the max retry count 0/0: [504: Gateway Timeout] Request failed: <html>
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>

Any new option I'm missing?

I'm also experiencing this, but the same is happening with the previous release (3.8.1). So I assume the issue is on sonatype's end and will be resolved eventually.

Sonatype Ops are working on that: https://twitter.com/sonatype_ops/status/1243532338090381312

I hope they will update their status page for today: https://status.maven.org/#week

oh 3.8.1 worked somehow for me. Anyway, glad it's on sonatype! I'll close this once it's back to normal. (just in case somebody stumbles upon this as well)

Yeah. I also experienced the same issue. Sonatype OSS API is now under maintenance. For a relief, I'll increase the total timeout (upto 10 min) for individual HTTP requests and release sbt-sonatype 3.9.2: 24ab0e9

Released sbt-sonatype 3.9.2. We still may see this error if sonatype is under maintenance or returns 504. In this case, we need to retry sonatypeBundleRelease after a while.