xerial / sbt-sonatype

A sbt plugin for publishing Scala/Java projects to the Maven central.

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Configuring timeout

exoego opened this issue · comments

I am publishing 400+ artifacts in single sbt project (200 artifacts x 2 Scala major versions).

Thanks to the recently-added feature sonatypeBundleRelease, uploading time was reduced dramatically !! (from several hours to minutes).

However, at the end of release process, I found that waiting close operation occasionally get timeout (actually, close operation completeded successfully on Sonatype).

It would be nice if timeout is configurable so one can increase it like 30 minutes, 2 hour, or whatever.

Unlike traditional releases, bundle releases do not retry. That's why it results timeout.

sbt-sonatype-3.9.1 added sonatypeTimeoutMillis, the default of which is 1 hour. I think this will solve the issue.