xenon-19 / Gesture-Controlled-Virtual-Mouse

Virtually controlling computer using hand-gestures and voice commands. Using MediaPipe, OpenCV Python.

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process finished with exit code 0 but I haven't seen any interface

KeshavaMaringanti opened this issue · comments


I have installed all the modules. But getting 5 errors
I have run the code successfully
I got 'Process finished with exit code 0'
But cant see the result

Do provide more details.
Have you made any changes to code?
Which file are you running ?

File name : Gesture_Controller.py
Run using Pycharm
I haven't made any changes in the code.
All the modules from given instructions are installed.
configuration is also set on the script path.
After running the program I can't see any interface or webcam.

The file Gesture_Controller.py has no driver code.
You are supposed to run Proton.py (mentioned in readme, step 6).
If you want to run Gesture_Controller.py directly, you will have to uncomment the driver code (last 2 lines of the file).

Ok thanks. I will try now

Thanks alot now the code running successfully