xaviergonz / js-angusj-clipper

Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library (Javascript) - a port of Angus Johnson's clipper

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Typescript type SubjectInput not exported

cmidgley opened this issue · comments


The type SubjectInput is not being exported from the wrapper (its buddy ClipInput is exported). Hand editing index.d.ts to include the import:

import { ClipInput, ClipParams, SubjectInput } from "./clipFunctions";

and then exporting it:

export { ClipType, EndType, JoinType, PolyFillType, NativeClipperLibLoadedFormat, NativeClipperLibRequestedFormat, PointInPolygonResult, PolyNode, PolyTree, IntPoint, IntRect, Path, ReadonlyPath, Paths, ReadonlyPaths, ClipInput, ClipParams, OffsetInput, OffsetParams, ClipperError , SubjectInput };

Resolves the issue. Similar changes to index.ts would likely (correctly) fix this issue.

Thanks! It should be exported in v1.3.0

Feel free to reopen the issue if something is wrong!