xan105 / node-powertoast

Windows toast notification and toastXml string builder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'm trying to use but.

dsrdan opened this issue · comments

Hi. thanks for this powertoast.
I'm trying to use but, some question.

appID: "MSEdge",
title: "App notify",
message: "There is new message",
attribution: "App",
icon: "app.png",
cropIcon: true,
onClick: "https://www.naver.com"
}).catch(err => console.error(err));

Everything is fine but.
When click, "https://www.naver.com" is opened as background window if default browser is opened already.
If there is no default browser running, "https://www.naver.com" is opened and become a foreground window.
I want click event makes link become a foreground window whether default browser is running or not.
How I'm do something?

Sorry for my poor english.
Can you help me?

This is normal Windows behavior. I don't think there is any way to have control over this outside of the browser's settings.