xan105 / node-powertoast

Windows toast notification and toastXml string builder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Call toast from a component.

Aterr opened this issue · comments


Firstly, thank you for this neat plugin.

Sorry for a possibly stupid question, I am a new one to this.
Is there a way to call toast inside vue.js component ?

I am using electron + vue.js and trying to display a toast on vue button click.
I made a file with a function, and it's working great inside background.js file on window load.

But when I am trying to call it inside a vue component I receive an error:
API is only available in Windows.

I would be very pleased if anyone could help me with it.

the function file:

function showNotification(msg: any) {
    const toast = require("powertoast");
        message: msg
    }).catch((err: any) => console.error(err));

export { showNotification }

Vue component:

  <v-container fill-height>
    <v-row class="text-center" align="center" justify="center">
        @click="getNotification('This is a sample notification message')"

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { showNotification } from "../plugins/nodeFunctions"

export default Vue.extend({
  name: "Test",

  data: () => ({
    message: 'Press for notification'

  methods: {
    getNotification(msg: any): void {

Thanks in advance!

Here is the code responsible for your error :

"use strict";
const os = require("os");
// ...
if (os.platform() !== "win32") throw "API is only available in Windows.";

Let's get the obvious out of the way ... You are running Windows right ? 🙃
I'm not familiar with Vue.js even less when used with Electron but your issue kinda baffles me ...
I mean how can Vue.js allegedly change the output of os.platform() 😲 ?!

I mean I have no idea at this point just console.log(os.platform()) in the component and let's see what's what.


Figured this out.
I should enable the node integration inside vue config file. Works now like a charm 🙃

Sorry for the stupid concern :)