xamarin / mono-test-results

CI visualizer for the Mono project

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Group tests by namespace / assembly

akoeplinger opened this issue · comments

When e.g. the WinForms tests fail (maybe due to some graphics issue or whatever), they tend to fail in bulk which makes the failures list less useful because there are dozens of pages with those tests:


Grouping by namespace or assembly would be awesome to make the list more manageable.

It now collapses the failures for any build with >5 failures. Does this help?

The problem with grouping is that while some failures cause cascades, others don't. Maybe we could have a list of assembly prefixes that are known to cascade? Are there any other than MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms?

Yep, that does help for the "Builds" view 👍

For the "Failures" view (which I think will be the most useful for me) it doesn't though. I'd prefer not to hardcode any special cases in the viewer

Maybe another way to solve this would be to add a textfield on that view where I can filter which tests are displayed? e.g. I put MonoTests.System.Console.ConsoleTests and it only shows those. Or -MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms and it excludes them.