xamarin / XamarinComponents

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net6.0-ios migration timeline

cosminstirbu opened this issue · comments


There are quite a few components that need to net6.0-ios (e.g., Xamarin.SDWebImage) due to breaking changes xamarin/xamarin-macios#13087

Do you have a timeline for this migration?

Thank you,

Same issue here. Would appreciate even a short comment from Microsoft regarding this problem.
I hear voices from Microsoft employees on Twitter and elsewhere asking library devs to upgrade their dependencies to .NET6, yet the Microsoft-provided bindings are still all missing .NET6 support (AppCenter, XamarinComponents etc)

This is really frustrating. I'm stuck and can't upgrade my project because of this issue.

I too need a .net 6/7 compatible Xamarin.SDWebImage in addition to Xamarin.Stripe.iOS.

Can you give us a timeline for the migration? @Redth

Any updates on this one? We want to update to .NET 7 and SDWebImage is an impediment for now

Looks like we won't ever be getting support: #1418

I've tried binding-swift and this video but was unable to create a binding. This is a major setback.

@jpobst How can we be unblocked?