xamarin / AndroidX

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AndroidX.Credentials ICredentialManagerCallback wrong parameter types.

uwe-neuronation opened this issue · comments

Android application type

Classic Xamarin.Android (MonoAndroid12.0, etc.), Android for .NET (net6.0-android, etc.)

Affected platform version

VS Mac 2022 17.6.9


The interface ICredentialManagerCallback.cs OnError and OnResult use Java.Lang.Object parameter type.
It should be

onResult(GetCredentialResponse result)
onError(GetCredentialException e)

Unfortunately, It is not possible cast.
So, it's impossible to get a proper error message on the c# level.

Steps to Reproduce

ICredentialManager credentialManager = CredentialManager.Companion.Create(this.Context);
                CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest createPublicKeyCredentialRequest = new CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest(passkeyRequestVO.RequestJson);
                credentialManager.CreateCredentialAsync(this.Context, createPublicKeyCredentialRequest, new Android.OS.CancellationSignal(), this, this);
void ICredentialManagerCallback.OnError(Java.Lang.Object e){   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ICredentialManagerCallback.OnError: " + e);}
void ICredentialManagerCallback.OnResult(Java.Lang.Object result){    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ICredentialManagerCallback.OnResult");}

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-05 um 11 57 22

Did you find any workaround?


Relevant log output

No response

You should be able to use JavaCast to cast to the correct type:

void ICredentialManagerCallback.OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result) 
    var r = result.JavaCast<GetCredentialResponse> ();

You should be able to use JavaCast to cast to the correct type:

void ICredentialManagerCallback.OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result) 
    var r = result.JavaCast<GetCredentialResponse> ();

Thank you @jpobst that works. It's inconvenient, because I can't do type switch. Only works for the explicit exception type.
In my case
var r = e.JavaCast<CreatePublicKeyCredentialDomException>();
It throws an exception if the type does not match. So to cover all available exceptions types, it will be a big block of code.

Same interface OnResult works better, here it's Java.LangObjcte as well. But I can do a c# cast on the CreatePublicKeyCredentialResponse.

if (result is CreatePublicKeyCredentialResponse cpkcr) { ... }

Something is wrong with the exceptions themself.