xamarin / AndroidX

AndroidX bindings for .NET for Android

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SurfaceCallback API is missing

vautieri2 opened this issue · comments

Android application type

Classic Xamarin.Android (MonoAndroid12.0, etc.), .NET Android (net7.0-android, etc.)

Affected platform version



Xamarin.Android does not seem to provide a wrapper for https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/car/app/SurfaceCallback

This API is used for Android Auto

Steps to Reproduce

Try to use SurfaceCallback in a Xamarin.Android project
-> Doesn't compile
Look at the Xamarin docs, (not mentioned)

Did you find any workaround?


Relevant log output

No response

@moljac @jpobst looks like we are missing something in androidx? Should we move this issue over to that repo?

Xamarin.Android only provides bindings for Android's base framework android.jar. To use AndroidX API you need to add the relevant NuGet binding package.

This API appears to be in this package:

I have installed and have my app already working on their heads up display. I now need to add the surface callback. All I see exposed is ISurfaceCallback which does not have anything to override.

Looks like all the methods on the SurfaceCallback interface are default methods, which I don't think are currently exposed in AndroidX.

Yep, let's move this issue to the AndroidX repository.

Just curious as I have no idea how long it takes to get a nuget with this fix. I can use a nightly build (I think I saw these somewhere) since we are not releasing this for over a month. Any way to do a short term work around?

There are some challenges to work through before packages can be updated to support default interface methods, so I would not expect them in the short term.

You should be able to implement the needed methods in C# with the correct signature and mark them with the [Export] attribute to force the correct Java Callable Wrapper to be generated. (Documentation)

This would look something like:

public void MySurfaceCallback : Java.Lang.Object, ISurfaceCallback
  public void OnSurfaceAvailable (SurfaceContainer surfaceContainer) { ... }

"This would look something like:" I'm getting surface callbacks now! So this seems to be a workaround.