xalaw / blog-app-postreSQL-db-script

Week 5 Day 1 PostreSQL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Blog App Database


Create a single SQL (.sql) file that creates tables and inserts some records into a blog database. When you're done, create a database on ElephantSQL called blog-app-challenge. Then, run your script from the command line, pointing to the database URL for ElephantSQL. Share the db with your mentor.


Users can write posts and comments. Users have first names, last names, email addresses, and screen names. Email addresses and screen names are required. Each post has a single author (who is a user), a title, content, a published timestamp, zero or more comments, and zero or more tags. A comment has one author (aka user), one post (the original post the comment is about), and the comment text itself. A tag has tag text. For instance "current events". As a stretch goal, configure comments so they can have a referring comment. In other words, each comment can optionally point to another comment. In the same script, write SQL statements to create some users, posts, and comments. Ultimately, you need a script that can be run like this: psql -f ./bootstrap-blog-app.sql. When you've got this script, save it to Gist or Github. Create a new ElephantSQL instance and run your SQL script.


Week 5 Day 1 PostreSQL