New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE)

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blindhunter892 opened this issue · comments

xNVSE 6.2.8 and 6.2.7 both are coming up with TROJANS from 360 security for PC

xNVSE 6.2.6 is clean

Next time, please look at other issues. This has been answered many times before, this project has never and will never have malicious code in it. The reason AV solutions detect it as malicious is because of how the mod works. Heuristic detection is easily tripped by design, be it a bad design decision or not. Regardless, NVSE is not malicious

Not if it's causing BSODs


It's not causing BSOD's, it literally can't lol. User mode code cannot and will never be. It can trigger bugs in higher level components which can cause a issue but it cannot cause one itself

Guys! Guys! Guys! xNVSE is a virus unlike any other! The other day I installed it! Not only did it cause a blue screen, but it also caused all the fans in my computer to shutdown! Then it started getting really hot! The power button wouldn't work! Neither did unplugging it from the wall! Eventually my CPU and GPU caught fire! It burned down the whole neighborhood! The fire is still raging today and it's going to consume the entirety of the east coast of the USA if it isn't stopped!

This xNVSE thing is nothing to mess around with!

Didn't you read the latest release notes? Runaway Thermonuclear Reactions are just how you know it's working!