x42 / midifilter.lv2

LV2 plugins to filter midi events

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Midi controlled slider skips zero and passes from -1 to +1

michelvergnaud opened this issue · comments

In "Midi Chromatic Transpose" plugin in Carla host, slider for semi-tones values cannot be set to 0 from a midi controller. A value of 63 sets the slider to -1 and a value of 64 sets it to +1. Impossible to get 0.
midifilter.ttl file :
ControlPort ; lv2:index 4 ; lv2:symbol "transpose" ; lv2:name "Transpose"; lv2:minimum -72 ; lv2:maximum 72 ; lv2:default 0; lv2:portProperty lv2:integer ]
It seems that these 145 values leads to a rounding when mapping them from the 128 of a controller so the 0 value is skipped.
I first open an issue in Carla Github : see falkTX/Carla#327 (comment)

mmh that's an interesting issue. so -63..+64 (range: 127) would resolve this.
worst-case a user would have to chain two of those if transposing > 64 semitones is needed.

Alternatively a range: -127..+127 should allow to get to 0 but only steps of two :(
let's see what falktx thinks.

It's OK now with a range of -64..+63.
Issue fixed !

wait, fixed how?

https://github.com/x42/midifilter.lv2/blob/master/filters/miditranspose.c#L10 still reads -72, 72.
I'm tempted to change it, unless a better solution comes up.

Fixed on my machine by editing midifilter.ttl. Not for other users !