x1mdev / ReconPi

ReconPi - A lightweight recon tool that performs extensive scanning with the latest tools.

Home Page:https://x1m.nl/posts/recon-pi/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add Discord notifications

spazbg opened this issue · comments

notifyDiscord() {
startFunction "Trigger Discord Notification"
takeover="$(cat $SUBS/takeovers | wc -l)"
totalsum=$(cat $SUBS/hosts | wc -l)
intfiles=$(cat $NUCLEISCAN/*.txt | wc -l)
nucleiCveScan="$(cat $NUCLEISCAN/cve.txt)"
nucleiFileScan="$(cat $NUCLEISCAN/files.txt)"

/usr/local/bin/discord.sh --webhook-url="$WEBHOOK" --text "Found '$totalsum' live hosts for '$domain'" --username "Recon Bot"

/usr/local/bin/discord.sh --webhook-url="$WEBHOOK" --text "Found '$intfiles' interesting files using nuclei" --username "Recon Bot"

/usr/local/bin/discord.sh --webhook-url="$WEBHOOK" --text "Found '$takeover' subdomain takeovers on '$domain'" --username "Recon Bot"

/usr/local/bin/discord.sh --webhook-url="$WEBHOOK" --text "CVEs found for $domain: \n $nucleiCveScan" --username "Recon Bot"

/usr/local/bin/discord.sh --webhook-url="$WEBHOOK" --text "Files for $domain: \n $nucleiFileScan" --username "Recon Bot"

echo -e "[$GREEN+$RESET] Done."


