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🗄️ Stream plugin for WordPress

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Use core language pack translations where possible

frankiejarrett opened this issue · comments

There are quite a few terms and phrases used in Stream that come from core. These translatable strings are already part of core language packs so it doesn't make sense for Stream to also have to provide translations for them.

Instead, we should use the default textdomain to indicate that the string is localized by core and that translations should not come from Stream.


esc_html__( 'Revision', 'default' );
esc_html__( 'Posts', 'default' );
esc_html__( 'Pages', 'default' );
esc_html__( 'Plugins', 'default' );
esc_html__( 'Menus', 'default' );

I know that we could just leave the textdomain param blank, but this could also be confused with a mistake as often times textdomains are forgotten, so it will be best to explicitly indicate that default should be used as an indicator that it has been checked and the translation is known to already exist in core.

I am totally against this practice and propose to change it back to the plugin's own textdomain!

  • the day WP core changes those strings, translations won't display
  • it makes custom translations for lots of users harder and more complex
  • it's against best practice, as textdomain should be UNIFIED and always be plugin's slug
  • those few strings save nothing on performance etc.

Example: if your WordPress install uses an informal German translation (which comes as defalt from .org) but the plugin would use an informal translation pack (as a custom user translation), user has to make sure there are no translation conflicts and in style/wording and this user has to override those strings from the plugin that use the - wrong - 'default' textdomain.
In some cases it could lead to not-displaying translations for those strings with the - wrong - 'default' textdomain. For example changing the string "Revision" in a custom user translation would also change that in the whole install - which may not always be wanted...

From my experience over the years such things make no sense, still some developers try it again and again. It only makes things more complex, even "worse" and has no benefit at all.

Every plugin and/ or theme/ child theme should use a unified textdomain for 100% of all strings and this should be the plugin's/ theme's slug in the very best case.

Thanks, Dave from Germany :)

Hi Dave from Germany,

Thanks so much for your feedback. While I would normally agree with you on your points about different translation styles, part of the purpose of these strings within Stream is to provide a direct reference to another part of WordPress.

That is to say, unlike most other plugins, Stream definitely does want to match the active WordPress translation, so the user knows that when Stream uses the word Post, it means the exact same thing as WordPress core does. We would never want it to be different, regardless of translation style.

Does that make sense, or am I missing your point?

Hi Luke!
Ok, I didn't saw it from that perspective yet :) I fully understand your point and in such a special case it makes sense. My points were more of a general nature, though.

If it's only those 5 strings as stated in first post above you could make a little statement in your documentation/description why these are used directly from core with the 'default' textdomain. Then it's transparent and every (third-party) dev would know how to handle that.

Thanks for explanation!

Greetinx, Dave :)

@ThemeBoy Would love your thoughts on this old issue.

Interesting discussion. Looks like there are a few different solutions each with their merits.

  1. Use different text domains i.e. keeps things simple and is the intended use of gettext functions.
  2. Use of contextual functions i.e. would be the proper way to merge all strings into a single text domain whilst retaining context.
  3. Defining a series of proprietary functions i.e. would prevent those strings from being picked up via gettext source keywords, and would minimize the number of strings contained in the language files.

The first 2 are perfectly valid solutions using gettext as intended. That being said, I agree with the point made above regarding the use of native text domains, and also believe that language files should be shipped with the code that references the same text domain. For those reasons I'm leaning toward the third solution.

My concern with option 3 is that:
a) Adding additional code which is...
b) A bit of a hack (let's be honest), which means that we're...
c) Adding potential for contributors and Stream extension developers (and future me) to misuse a stream_e style function (which should only be used in very specific circumstances).

I'm leaning toward moving in the direction of Option 2. It's a bit more work on our end, but (secondo me) it seems like the right way.

You're right, it is a bit of a hack. Actually, option 2 could work out really well if you can filter out the instances of contextual strings referencing text domains when generating the PO template files. Best of both worlds :)

@ThemeBoy a few comments to your points:
for 1)
In my opinion it is NOT the intended usage of the Gettext functions, at least not in the WordPress environment. Their new "language pack" system (or dogma...) requires the use of a single textdomain throughout the plugin and/or theme, and that should always be the plugin's slug. Period. Otherwise, strings of different textdomains in that same plugin wouldn't be loaded and therefore not displayed as translations.
So this alternative shouldn't be used at all.

for 2)
Using context is the right way! It gives additional info for developers AND more importantly for translators as well, as these context comments will appear in tools like Poedit Editor, GlotPress and Transifex platform! This is really important! I translate for years, and again, this IS important for translators. Better use context more than less! :)

for 3)
This won't work at all!
It would only work if Stream plugin then would also LOAD the textdomain "woocommerce" (in that case) ADDITIONALLY to its textdomain. So you'll end up with 20 additional textdomains for all your integrations and need to load them... This is bad practice and bad user and translator experience as you have to offer then a .pot file for each textdomain.

Never go that route.

Only ever use one textdomain in your plugin, this is the slug of the plugin!
Unify all textdomains to this one.
Never "borrow" textdomains from Core or other plugins.
Implement compat to language pack system - it is by default, so don't "crash" it.