x-formation / pulsekit

Command line client for Zutubi Pulse server.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pulsekit GoDoc Build Status Build Status Build status

Pulsekit is a repository for tools/libraries used to interface with Zutubi Pulse server for automation purposes. The most notable tools in this repository are:

cmd/pulsecli GoDoc

The cmd/pulsecli is a commdn-line tool for communicating with Zutubi Pulse server using its Remote API.


To start using pulsecli, run the following commands from your terminal:

~ $ go get github.com/x-formation/pulsekit/cmd/pulsecli
~ $ GOBIN=~/bin go install github.com/x-formation/pulsekit/cmd/pulsecli

NOTE: Make sure that your $GOPATH is set and $GOBIN (or $GOPATH/bin) is in $PATH.


You can find descriptions of some of the most common commands and global options below.

   pulsecli - a command-line client for a Pulse server

   pulsecli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   login      Creates or updates session for current user
   trigger    Triggers a build
   init       Initialises a project
   health     Performs a health check
   projects   Lists all projct names
   stages     Lists all stage names
   agents     Lists all agent names
   status     Lists build's status
   build      Gives build ID associated with given request ID
   wait       Waits for a build to complete
   personal   Sends a personal build request
   artifact   Gets all artifacts for given project and build
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --url 'http://pulse'	Pulse Remote API endpoint
   --agent, -a '.*'       Agent name patter
   --project, -p '.*'     Project name pattern (or "personal")
   --stage, -s '.*'       Stage name pattern
   --timeout, -t '15s'    Maximum wait time
   --prtg                 PRTG-friendly output
   --build, -b '0'        Build number
   --version, -v          print the version
   --help, -h             show help

PRTG output

Passing --prtg flag makes the output PRTG-friendly. When the command's exit code is:

  • 0, the output is:


  • different than 0, the output is:

2:1:"<error message here>"


The following examples present syntax for some operations you can perform using pulsecli that do following tasks:

Store credentials in $HOME

Credentials for the current user are stored in ~/.pulsecli. Because they're stored as plain text, you should be aware that others may have access to your $HOME directory, which may pose security risks.

~ $ pulsecli login --user $USER --pass $PASS
~ $ pulsecli --prtg health
Perform a health check against Pulse server
~ $ pulsecli --prtg health
Perform a health check against LM-X - Tier 1 project

The output is in the YAML format.

~ $ pulsecli -p 'LM-X - Tier 1' health
LM-X - Tier 1 (build 1356):
- severity: error
  message: Recipe LM-X Unix failed
  stagename: ""
  commandname: ""
  artifactname: ""
  path: ""
- severity: error
  message: Recipe LM-X Windows failed
  stagename: ""
  commandname: ""
  artifactname: ""
  path: ""
- severity: error
  message: Command 'Run unittest_licserver' failed
  stagename: Build - Windows x86
  commandname: ""
  artifactname: ""
  path: ""
Trigger builds for all the projects except LAC

trigger outputs a list of <request id> <project name> pairs, separated by a tab. To obtain the build ID, run pulsecli build <request id>.

~ $ pulsecli --project '^((\S)[^C]+|Pulse CLI.*)$' trigger
2242787	"License Statistics - Development"
2243158	"LM-X - Tier 1"
2243466	"LM-X - Tier 2"
2243871	"Sales Assistant - Deployment"
2244123	"LM-X - Deployment"
2248358	"Go - Database"
2248525	"Sales Assistant - Tests and Installer"
2248659	"Shared PHP Library"
2248803	"Go - Unittest"
2248953	"Sales Assistant - deploy"
2249091	"Go - Accept (devel)"
2249227	"LM-X - Solaris 10 test"
2249380	"Puppet Node Tests"
Wait for the build triggered by request ID 2248358 to complete
~ $ pulsecli -p 'Go - Database' -b 2248358 wait
Trigger multiple projects and wait for each to complete
~ $ pulsecli -p 'Pulse CLI' trigger | xargs printf -- '-b %d -p \"%s\"\n' | parallel -- eval "pulsecli -t 1m {} wait"
Request a personal build for review-1234.diff and Pulse CLI project
~ $ git diff HEAD~1 > review-1234.diff
~ $ pulsecli -p 'Pulse CLI' personal --patch review-1234.diff
Request a personal build for stages Build - MAC OS X 10.9 and Build - Linux x86
~ $ git diff HEAD~1 > review-4321.diff
~ $ pulsecli -p 'LM-X - Tier 1' --stage 'Build - (MAC OS X|Linux x86$)' personal --patch review-4321.diff
Obtain a build ID for the 2260289 request ID
~ $ pulsecli build 2260289
Trigger a build for all LM-X tiers
~ $ pulsecli --project 'LM-X - Tier' trigger
2238515	"LM-X - Tier 1"
2238845	"LM-X - Tier 2"
Initialise all projects within Pulse CLI group
~ $ pulsecli --project 'Pulse CLI' init
true	"Pulse CLI - Failure"
true	"Pulse CLI"
true	"Pulse CLI - Success"
List all the projects
~ $ pulsecli projects
License Statistics - Development
C++ - Unittest
LM-X - Deployment
Go - Unittest (devel)
C++ - Database
Go - Database
Go - Unittest
Clang Profiling
LM-X - Solaris 10 test
License Activation Center - Accept SOAP
License Activation Center - Accept REST
List all the stages for the License Activation Center - API project
~ $ pulsecli --project 'License Activation Center - API' stages
Build - VC2010 - API
Build - Linux x86 - API
Build - VC2010 x64 - API
Build - Linux x64 - API
Build - Mac OSX Universal 10.9 - API
List all the agents

agents outputs a list of <agent hostname> <agent name> pairs, separated by a tab. It tries to parse agent URL and output its hostname value. When parsing fails (e.g. Pulse 2.6.19 does not put ipv6 addresses in brackets), it outputs an URL instead.

~ $ pulsecli agents
aix275	 "AIX - 5.3"
freebsd10_x64	 "FreeBSD 10 - x64"
hpuxia64	 "HPUX - IA64"
pulse-arm	 "Linux - ARM"
centos5_x64	 "Linux - CentOS 5.10 - Distrib - x64"
coverage	 "Linux - Coverage"
pulse-deb50-x64	 "Linux - Debian 5.0 - Distrib - x64"
pulse-deb50-x86	 "Linux - Debian 5.0 - Distrib - x86"
http://8000:8000:8000:8000:250:56ff:febc:619a:8090	 "Linux - IPv6"
pulse-win-7	 "Windows 8.1 - 7"
pulse-win-8	 "Windows 8.1 - 8"
pulse-win-9	 "Windows 8.1 - 9"
Get a status of the LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2 project

The output is in the YAML format.

The --build or -b flag expects either:

  • A real build number
  • 0 which means latest build number
~ $ pulsecli -p 'LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2' -b 0 status
LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2 (build 547):
- id: 547
  complete: true
  end: {}
  endunix: "1396963267179"
  errors: 0
  maturity: integration
  owner: LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2
  personal: false
  pinned: false
  progress: -1
  project: LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2
  revision: 887e88a5c4709e9bf260744d398d71dd7ef70050
  reason: manual trigger by rjeczalik
  • A negative number being an relative offset to the latest build number
~ $ pulsecli -p 'LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2' -b -10 status
LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2 (build 537):
- id: 537
  complete: true
  end: {}
  endunix: "1396372083402"
  errors: 8
  maturity: integration
  owner: LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2
  personal: false
  pinned: false
  progress: -1
  project: LM-X - Release Build - Tier 2
  revision: 22fc614bd290041778ad1a69fc66c97841c77177
Download all artifacts of License Activation Center - API project for given build

The --output or -o flag is a path to the directory where the artifacts are placed. Unless otherwise specified, the default directory is the current working directory.

~ $ pulsecli -p '^License Activation Center - API$' -b 191 artifact -o arts

After the downlaod of the artifacts is complete, the created catalog structure resembles the one of Pulse, as shown below.

~ tree arts
└── License Activation Center - API
    ├── Build - Linux x64 - API
    │   ├── bootstrap
    │   │   └── bootstrap output
    │   │       └── files.txt
    │   ├── Build
    │   │   ├── command output
    │   │   │   └── output.txt
    │   │   └── environment
    │   │       └── env.txt
    │   ├── Build installer
    │   │   ├── command output
    │   │   │   └── output.txt
    │   │   ├── environment
    │   │   │   └── env.txt
    │   │   └── Installer files
    │   │       └── linux_x64
    │   │           └── lacapi_linux_x64_rev6.zip
    │   └── Run test
    │       ├── command output
    │       │   └── output.txt


Command line client for Zutubi Pulse server.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%