wzooff / docker-ivideon-server

This image allows you to run ivideon headless server in container

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Ivideon Server Headless (docker)

This image allows you to run ivideon headless server in container

For example

sudo docker run -d --name=CONTAINERNAME --net=host --log-driver=none -v /path/to/config/folder:/opt/ivideon/data wzooff/ivideon-server-headless

In specified folder you should place config videoserverd.conf with next content

   "archive" : {
      "maxEventLogSize" : 20480,
      "path" : "/opt/ivideon/data/archive",
      "sizeLimit" : 102400,
      "sizeToCleanup" : 512,
      "useArchive" : true,
      "webcamBitRate" : 2048,
      "webcamFrameRate" : 5,
      "webcamVideoFormat" : 1
   "cameras" : [
         "id" : 1,
         "mdSensitivity" : 50,
         "name" : "cam1",
         "recordType" : "motion",
         "rtspTransport" : "tcp",
         "urlHigh" : "rtsp://admin:admin@ip/media/video1",
         "useCameraMotionDetector" : false,
         "useSound" : true
   "localView" : {
      "passwordHash" : "md5hash_of_pw",
      "proxyPort" : 3101,
      "streamerPort" : 8080
   "logging" : {
      "isTruncate" : false,
      "path" : "/dev/null",
   "network" : {
      "ivideonProxyHost" : "proxy.ivideon.com"
   "system" : {
      "cwd" : "/opt/ivideon/data"


This image allows you to run ivideon headless server in container