wuxx / ESPLink

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ESPlink v1.2 boards without firmware

ammaree opened this issue · comments

I have bought 3x ESPLink v1.2 boards from AliExpress. I have connected all 3 boards, one at a time, to my MacBook Pro and the results are exactly the same.

  1. All 3 boards connect and show up as /dev/cu.usbmodemD4F98D72Bwxyz
  2. When connecting use Serial at 9600 or 115200, no characters are displayed on the console
  3. Following the instructions at https://github.com/wuxx/ESPLink/blob/master/firmware/v1.2/flash_write.sh?spm=a2g0s.imconversation.0.0.3ef73e5fcEADRV&file=flash_write.sh but changing the port ID, just getting an error
esptool.py v4.8.dev5
Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodemD4F98D72B5421

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32-S2: No serial data received.
For troubleshooting steps visit: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esptool/en/latest/troubleshooting.html

When trying to read the flash using 'esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbmodemD4F98D72B5421 read_flash 0 all ESPLink.bin'

esptool.py v4.8.dev5
Found 2 serial ports
Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodemD4F98D72B5421
/dev/cu.usbmodemD4F98D72B5421 failed to connect: Failed to connect to Espressif device: No serial data received.

Any suggestion for getting these to work will be appreciated.


Hi, Can you take a picture of how you wired it?


Do you want to read the firmware of ESPLink itself?


If you want to read the firmware of ESPLink itself, you need to use another ESPLink to read it through the 6 contacts on the back of TYPE-C


I have got the basic working, connecting to a target device, bidirectional UART comms working, flash via drag n drop UF2 working.

I saw that the firmware is dated 2024 (it looks like) so should be newer than the version on the GitHub repo.

As next step I need to get to the ESP-NOW configuration, to monitor and flash a device wirelessly.

If you can provide some input here much appreciated. Please keep in mind, 3 devices, 2 on targets and 1 on the host.


You are currently modifying the source code to complete the customization function, right? As far as I know, the default firmware does not support ESP-NOW


the software source code locate here, I just modify some io config.

The default firmware for the ESP32_S3_USG_BRIDGE devkit (upgraded version of yours?) is actually coming from this https://github.com/espressif/esp-dev-kits/tree/master/esp32-s3-usb-bridge/examples/usb_wireless_bridge repo.

It does currently support ESP-NOW accordingly to the documentation, but the challenge I see is that the hardware is slightly different.

The ideal would be if you could update your device firmware to be based on the repo linked above and then add the LWIP support for remote access.

The problem I have currently is that the original ESP23_S3_USB_BRIDGE hardware (with the ESP-NOW capable firmware) is not available anywhere in the world, not via Amazon nor AliExpress or anywhere else.

What are your thoughts?


ESPLink is based on ESP32-S2. The ESP32-S2 chip itself also supports ESP-NOW, which may require some porting work.

My thoughts would be that the best place to start is repo I linked above. I already includes JTAG, ESP-NOW (wireless Host and Target), support for 3 LEDs etc.

All it requires to be added is support for IP STA (Client) at the target side.

S2 vs S3, non problem both will do the job.

This will create a killer product, we will take 10x for starters...

Hi @wuxx

Sorry to bother again but just checking on whether you have had chance to look at the suggested repo above and considered adding the IP STA client support?

We would be happy to be a beta tester for you and commit to take 10x units if we can get the basic functionality mentioned.
There is currently NO other product on the market with this functionality


Hello, sorry, the original code was designed by Espressif and we have not modified it. You may need to research to meet your own needs.