wush978 / KDD2015wpp

Reproduce the experiments published in "Predicting Winning Price in Real Time Bidding with Censored Data"

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Segfault Error when running example

mpearmain opened this issue · comments

*** caught segfault ***
address 0x7f552477e348, cause 'memory not mapped'

1: .Call("IPinYouExp_OnlineSimulation", PACKAGE = "IPinYouExp", Rm, Rlearner_ctr, Rlearner_wr, is_click, is_win, bid_t, clk_t, is_continue)
2: OnlineSimulation(m, learner_ctr, learner_wr, bidimpclk$is_click, bidimpclk$is_win, bidimpclk$bid_t, bidimpclk$clk_t, i != 1)
aborting ...
make: *** [.fig9] Error 139

Does 684f8c8 fix your issue?


Im afraid not, ive the current master branch.
Only looks to fail on

docker run --rm -v
wush978/kdd2015wpp Rscript PredictCTR_WR_Fig9.R && docker run --rm -v
wush978/kdd2015wpp Rscript WinningPrice_Fig9.R | tee
log/WinningPrice_Fig9.log && touch .fig9

On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 at 14:54 Wush Wu notifications@github.com wrote:

@mpearmain https://github.com/mpearmain
Does 684f8c8
fix your issue?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#3 (comment).

Dear @mpearmain ,

I think this is an environment dependent issue. I'll re-run this image again tonight. Could you provide me the following information?

  • Are you using the docker image or your own R environment?
  • Could you print the result of sessionInfo() after loading all required libraries? I need to identify the version of the packages you are using.


Hi im using the Docker image

Sending build context to Docker daemon 299.5 kB
Step 0 : FROM rocker/r-base
---> d8bc80a8b433
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Wush Wu wush978@gmail.com
---> Using cache
---> 5fe10a9ba78e
Step 2 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> a4c5da980447
Step 3 : RUN echo "options(repos=c(cran='http://cran.rstudio.com/'))" >
---> Using cache
---> 3fb259c144f3
Step 4 : RUN Rscript -e "install.packages('dplyr')" && Rscript -e
---> Using cache
---> ffb1e7d4e1bf
Step 5 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> 34aba04b6334
Step 6 : RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libxml2-dev
libcurl4-nss-dev libssl-dev ca-certificates git && Rscript -e
"install.packages(c('roxygen2', 'glmnet', 'FeatureHashing'))" && cd /root
&& git clone https://github.com/wush978/FastROC && R CMD INSTALL FastROC
---> Using cache
---> d95afa84423d
Step 7 : RUN Rscript -e "install.packages('knitr')" && Rscript -e
---> Using cache
---> df3a0506b178
Step 8 : COPY IPinYouExp /root/IPinYouExp
---> Using cache
---> a815f3abe94e
Step 9 : RUN cd /root && R CMD INSTALL IPinYouExp
---> Using cache
---> b89ea9b9bb9b
Step 10 : VOLUME /var/local/KDD2015wpp
---> Using cache
---> 617a223d2c13
Step 11 : WORKDIR /var/local/KDD2015wpp
---> Using cache
---> 8bdda399fdfa
Successfully built 8bdda399fdfa

And session info:

R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS


On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 at 15:17 Wush Wu notifications@github.com wrote:

Dear @mpearmain https://github.com/mpearmain ,

I think this is an environment dependent issue. I'll re-run this image
again tonight. Could you provide me the following information?

  • Are you using the docker image or your own R environment?
  • Could you print the result of sessionInfo() after loading all
    required libraries? I need to identify the version of the packages you are


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#3 (comment).

as an aisde Looking at the make file in line 5 you have:
all : .predict_wp .fig9 .winningpricectr
line 37 .winningprice_ctr

@mpearmain, thanks for your report.

I can reproduce this bug on my machine now. The valgrind reports two illegal read of memory and I need sometimes to figure it out...

Just an update:

I failed to create a minimal reproducible example of this issue (It failed if I directly make the project but the valgrind did not capture any memory error if I execute the script. That's strange!). I'll try to build the minimal example next weekend.

Hi @mpearmain,

Sorry for the late fix. Could you help me check if #4 fix your issue?


I have encountered similar problem, the error message is presented below.

(2016-08-30 14:22:07) processing 2013-10-24...

238686 348 6863
online_simulation.cpp 87

*** caught segfault ***
address 0x7f221e4180b0, cause 'memory not mapped'

1: .Call("IPinYouExp_OnlineSimulation", PACKAGE = "IPinYouExp", Rm, Rlearner_ctr, Rlearner_wr, is_click, is_win, bid_t, clk_t, is_continue)
2: OnlineSimulation(m, learner_ctr, learner_wr, bidimpclk$is_click, bidimpclk$is_win, bidimpclk$bid_t, bidimpclk$clk_t, i != 1)
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...
Makefile:35: recipe for target '.fig9' failed
make: *** [.fig9] Error 139