wundergraph / wundergraph

WunderGraph is a Backend for Frontend Framework to optimize frontend, fullstack and backend developer workflows through API Composition.

Home Page:https://wundergraph.com

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[Issue]: ERROR: "wundergraph" exited with 1.

supercoolx opened this issue · comments


I want to start project with wundergraph and next.js.
But it doesn't work.

npx create-wundergraph-app my-project -E nextjs
cd my-project
npm i
npm start

I run these scripts, but it shows error

> wundergraph-nextjs@0.1.0 start
> run-p dev wundergraph open

> wundergraph-nextjs@0.1.0 dev
> next dev

> wundergraph-nextjs@0.1.0 open
> wait-on -d 500 http://localhost:9991 && open-cli http://localhost:3000

> wundergraph-nextjs@0.1.0 wundergraph
> wunderctl up

ERROR: "wundergraph" exited with 1.

How to use it?
Node version is v18.16.1 and OS is Windows 10.


node version: v18.16.1
OS: Windows 10


A quick fix for this is to run each script individually.

npm run dev
wunderctl up

You don't need the third one, just go to http://localhost:3000

Hello @supercoolx - Thanks for the heads up. This was fixed a couple of releases ago. Please, update @wundergraph/sdk and @wundergraph/nextjs to the latest version and then it should work.