wting / autojump

A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Manually add instructions provided are incorrect after running ./install.py

bpatel2525 opened this issue · comments

Output of the install.py at the end with manually add instruction in .tcshrc.

Upon adding those line in .tcshrc and .cshrc and restarted the terminal, getting following error.

[[: Command not found.

Installing autojump to /home/myhome/.autojump ...
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/bin
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/share/man/man1
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/etc/profile.d
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/share/autojump
copying file: ./bin/autojump -> /home/myhome/.autojump/bin
copying file: ./bin/autojump_argparse.py -> /home/myhome/.autojump/bin
copying file: ./bin/autojump_data.py -> /home/myhome/.autojump/bin
copying file: ./bin/autojump_match.py -> /home/myhome/.autojump/bin
copying file: ./bin/autojump_utils.py -> /home/myhome/.autojump/bin
copying file: ./bin/icon.png -> /home/myhome/.autojump/share/autojump
copying file: ./docs/autojump.1 -> /home/myhome/.autojump/share/man/man1
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/etc/profile.d
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/share/autojump
creating directory: /home/myhome/.autojump/functions
copying file: ./bin/autojump.sh -> /home/myhome/.autojump/etc/profile.d
copying file: ./bin/autojump.bash -> /home/myhome/.autojump/share/autojump
copying file: ./bin/autojump.fish -> /home/myhome/.autojump/share/autojump
copying file: ./bin/autojump.zsh -> /home/myhome/.autojump/share/autojump
copying file: ./bin/_j -> /home/myhome/.autojump/functions

Please manually add the following line(s) to ~/.tcshrc:

    [[ -s /home/myhome/.autojump/etc/profile.d/autojump.sh ]] && source /home/myhome/.autojump/etc/profile.d/autojump.sh

Please restart terminal(s) before running autojump.