wrt95 / F29AI-CW2-TicTacToe_in_Java

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This is the 2nd Coursework for F29AI Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents, 3rd year of Bsc Computer Science. This coursework consists of 3 parts, one written in Java, and the two last parts where done as a class test.

The program written in Java is the game TicTacToe. The algorithms written for this coursework is Value Iteration, Policy Iteration and Q-Learning with Epsilon Greedy Policy.

The source code for this program has been encrypted due to the coursework being still used.

TicTacToe: CW2_Part1_TicTacToe_in_Java.zip Solutions to part 2 and 3: CW2-Part2and3.zip

If you want to have a look at the code, password can be requested from wrt_95@hotmail.com.