wrld3d / wrld.js

A JavaScript API for beautiful 3D maps

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Adding a Leaflet circle

marksimpson82 opened this issue · comments

This is a user-reported bug; adding to the public tracker for visibility:

"I’m attempting to add a circle to an eeGeo map, but with little success.

The code for polygons works perfectly ( https://docs.eegeo.com/eegeo.js/latest/docs/api/L.eeGeo.polygon/ ), but when attempting to add a circle ( https://docs.eegeo.com/eegeo.js/latest/docs/leaflet/L.Circle/ ) I receive the following:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'layerPointToLatLng' of undefined
at NewClass.getBounds (eegeo.js:9381)
at getCenterOfLayer (eegeo.js:16129)
at NewClass.addLayer (eegeo.js:16248)
at NewClass.addTo (eegeo.js:3938)"

This issue has now been resolved