writethedocs / salary-survey

Community feedback on the salary survey questions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Grouping these questions

tostanoski opened this issue · comments

## Currency
What currency are you paid in?
- searchable/typeahead dropdown listing all currency names/codes
## Pay interval
Would you prefer to enter your salary as a yearly or monthly amount?
- monthly
- yearly
## Salary

I imagine from a results standpoint its a bit easier to have these as separate questions, but this might work better with a single question with three parts:

What is your total (gross) salary including taxes?

{{Currency Picklist}} {{Salary Number Field}} {{Yearly/Annual Radio Button}}

I really like this! The reason they're not together is because of the way the form building tool I'm using (Gravity Forms) works. But, I think it might be possible to achieve this by using a different kind of field - I will experiment.

I have figured out how to do this - closing the issue