wp-bootstrap / wp-bootstrap-navwalker

A custom WordPress nav walker class to fully implement the Twitter Bootstrap 4.0+ navigation style (v3-branch available for Bootstrap 3) in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager.

Home Page:https://wp-bootstrap.github.io/wp-bootstrap-navwalker/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrap text of each link in span

geekabit opened this issue · comments

I'm working on a weird menu idea. To get a clickable area in the shape of a triangle i had to "transform: skewX(-70deg);" each <a> element in my 1-level menu structure. Sadly now the text is unreadable. I have to reverse skewX(-70deg) effect but just to the text inside each <a> .

How to edit navwalker to make it wrap text of each <a> in <span> ?