woshiccm / Pecker

CodePecker is a tool to detect unused Swift code.

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Warning for Methods in Protocol when satisfying conformance in extension

RalfK92 opened this issue · comments

protocol Protocol {
var variable: Bool { get }
func function(parameter: String?) -> String?

Implementing this Protocol in a class and satisfying conformance in extension works for variable but not for function.

class Class: Protocol { }

extension Class {
var variable: Bool { // no warning
return "Temp"

func function (parameter: String?) -> { // warning
return parameter


Thanks, will fix it

What is the status with this fix? If you have a lot of protocols you get spammed with false Pecker warnings

Used Pecker for the first time today and am loving it. I'm also running into this issue, though, so wanted to chime in and say 'me too'. Thanks for this tool!


this issue had been resolved in new version 0.4.0