woshiccm / Pecker

CodePecker is a tool to detect unused Swift code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Illegal instruction: 4" when running with output_file

noahsark769 opened this issue · comments

With the following .pecker.yml:

reporter: "json"

  - skip_public
excluded: # paths to ignore during detecting. Takes precedence over `included`.
  - Carthage
  - Pods

blacklist_symbols: # symbols to ignore during detecting, contains class, struct, enum, etc.
  - AppDelegate
  - viewDidLoad

output_file: "./peckerout"

I get an illegal instruction when running pecker on CIFilter.io:

$ BUILD_ROOT=~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CIFilter.io-hibrtvbjsqlofacdruluolzdaqib/Index/DataStore/ pecker ./
Illegal instruction: 4

If I remove the output_file line, the script runs correctly.


Now only support absolute Path, If not specified, the path default is your current project directory path.


0.3.0 support relative path, you can read README and try again