worron / ACYLS

Any Color You Like Simple icon pack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Icon View Details

ep12 opened this issue · comments


It would be very helpful to find the icon names (as in .desktop files) as a quick info thingy when hovering over an icon in the Icon View. Would be even better with the full path in a second line of that tooltip if there would be an option to show non-ACYLS-icons... That would help to find icons that are currently missing in your library. Apart from that it's just an amazing piece of software!

Sorry for late reply, I was absent for a while.

find the icon names (as in .desktop files) as a quick info thingy when hovering over an icon in the Icon View

Interesting idea. I'll try to implement it in the future.

if there would be an option to show non-ACYLS-icons

I'm afraid this feature does not fit to ACYLS customization utility. Can recommend use third-party apps like gtk3-icon-browser for this purpose.


I tried that one (gtk-icon-browser) out, but it seems that some icons are missing. MenuLibre displays a ton more icons which I already use in some desktop entries. But this is a menu editor for a standard environment and I only use it to search icons '_' (since I use qtile+rofi. I use ACYLS to match the icon colors with my UI)