wormi4ok / evernote2md

Convert Evernote .enex files to Markdown

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

config image export

tatoosh opened this issue · comments

currently the image export goes to subfolder image\image.png

it would be nice to set the export folder like other tools to subfolder assets\<markdownFIlename>\<images###>.png

Hello @tatoosh! There is a --folders flag already present to put every note in a separate folder. The resulting folders will be structured like this:

|- <noteTitle>
    |- images
         |- <image###>.png
    |- README.md 

Would it solve the problem for you?

thanks @wormi4ok, but i need more options, so every team member can order the files at a given pattern.
I really need this structure assets\<markdownFIlename>\<images###>.png

My issue with the way images are exported is that for some reason they are not being linked to the note properly. Say if I have 3 notes (note0, note1 and note2) all with an image, the images would be saved as image.png, image-1.png, image-2.png. However, it seems that the mapping of note0 -> image.png, note1 -> image-1.png etc is lost? So you end up getting the wrong image pulled into the markdown. I can provide more details/screenshots if it would help.

Hey @nicolasdarmanthe ! I recall fixing a bug that you described, but I see how regression could have happened with the release of the latest version. It would be very helpful if you can share these three notes with minimal content in them (ideally, just one image in each of them) for me to reproduce the problem.