wooorm / refractor

Lightweight, robust, elegant virtual syntax highlighting using Prism

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mjhenkes opened this issue · comments

Refractor locks prismjs to patch versions only

Prismjs just released 1.16.0, To avoid pulling in duplicate versions of prismjs into applications could we either upgrade to the latest minor version or unlock the dependency?

For now I'll lock my other prismjs dependency to patch only.

Thanks :)


Why would you have another prismjs dependency? 🤔

We lock prism because it’s not just a dependency. We manipulate its source code. As you can see for example in 568ef78

We've got a big application, one component we have uses prismjs through react-syntax-hilighter which uses refractor.
This component reads source code directly for examples embedded in our doc site.

The other component uses prismjs directly to highlight code blocks in markdown using marked. (This one is out for pull request now.

It makes sense why you lock the source code, and I'm in no hurry to upgrade. I just wanted an issue to reference. :)

Thanks @wooorm!