wookayin / tensorboard-tools

πŸ“‰ A collection of TensorBoard-related utilities (In Progress)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tensorboard Tools (tbtools)

This is a random collection of utilities for inspecting TensorFlow summary files.

Under development (so for personal use at this point)!


pip install -I git+https://github.com/wookayin/tensorboard-tools

tb: Launch TensorBoard

The CLI arguments of tensorboard sucks. We can launch it more easily:

tb logdir/1 logdir/shell_expansion/*
tb --port 6006 logdir/*
tb `gsutil ls -d "gs://bucket/exp/*"` logdir/*

Automatically scan train_dirs from currently running TensorFlow processes:

tb --auto
tb --auto <pattern>

Image Viewer

Image summary in Tensorboard limits the number of steps being displayed. Run a server that would parse an event file:

python -m tbtools.image_viewer --logdir /tmp/path/to/traindir
python -m tbtools.image_viewer --event_file /tmp/path/to/traindir/events.out.tfevents.1234567890

Then we can inspect the images that are stored as image summary:



  • Advanced Image Viewer
  • Draw matplotlib plots for scalar values (e.g. loss)


πŸ“‰ A collection of TensorBoard-related utilities (In Progress)


Language:Python 100.0%