wooheaven / unix-study

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

╠═1 Ubuntu
║░╠═1 ubuntu16
║░║░╠═1 adduser : hadoop user
║░║░╠═2 apt
║░║░║░╚═1 apt list --installed : check installed packages
║░║░╠═3 apt-get
║░║░║░╠═1 install
║░║░║░║░╠═1 Hash Sum Error
║░║░║░║░╠═2 adb
║░║░║░║░╠═3 clang-format
║░║░║░║░╠═4 dconf-editor
║░║░║░║░╠═5 dilon
║░║░║░║░╠═6 exfat
║░║░║░║░╠═7 font-manager
║░║░║░║░╠═8 graphviz
║░║░║░║░╠═9 handbrake
║░║░║░║░╠═10 jq
║░║░║░║░╠═11 lock error
║░║░║░║░╠═12 mplayer smplayer
║░║░║░║░╠═13 openshot-qt
║░║░║░║░╠═14 python3-tk, tkinter
║░║░║░║░╠═15 python3-venv python3-pip
║░║░║░║░╠═16 screen
║░║░║░║░╠═17 texlive-full, texmaker
║░║░║░║░╠═18 tree
║░║░║░║░╚═19 vlc
║░║░║░╚═2 update
║░║░║░░░╠═1 duplicate sources.list
║░║░║░░░╚═2 hash error
║░║░╠═4 apt-key : del
║░║░╠═5 Arduino : install
║░║░╠═6 brew
║░║░║░╠═1 brew install package
║░║░║░║░╚═1 brew install go maven node@10 ruby sbt scala2.11 tomcat
║░║░║░╚═2 brew uninstall package
║░║░║░░░╚═1 brew uninstall scala2.11
║░║░╠═7 chrome
║░║░║░╠═1 install, configure, remove
║░║░║░╚═2 chrome remote desktop : install and configure
║░║░╠═8 clang-format : apply for c,cpp file on vim
║░║░╠═9 compiz : Put To Next
║░║░╠═10 cpu : cat /proc/cpuinfo
║░║░╠═11 curl : option -O
║░║░╠═12 date : with format 24:59:59.999
║░║░╠═13 dconf-editor : move Launcher from left to bottom
║░║░╠═14 desktop
║░║░║░╠═1 install desktop on Ubuntu16 server
║░║░║░╠═2 auto login on unity desktop
║░║░║░╚═3 location of desktop files
║░║░╠═15 df -h : display file system with human readable
║░║░╠═16 du : fileSize of folder
║░║░╠═17 echo
║░║░║░╚═1 -e : use escape on echo
║░║░╠═18 egrep
║░║░║░╠═1 meta char for regular expression
║░║░║░║░╠═1 any char : .
║░║░║░║░╠═2 OR operation : |
║░║░║░║░╠═3 [disable meta char : ](01_Ubuntu/01_16/18_egrep/01_meta_char_for_regular_expression/03_egrep_disable_meta_char.md)
║░║░║░║░╠═4 end char : $
║░║░║░║░╚═5 start char : ^
║░║░║░╚═2 option
║░║░║░░░╠═1 -n : print line number with output lines
║░║░║░░░╠═2 -r : recursive folder
║░║░║░░░╚═3 -H : print the file name for each match
║░║░╠═19 fallocate : create swap file
║░║░╠═20 fcitx : virtual keyboard
║░║░╠═21 fdisk
║░║░║░╠═1 partioning disk
║░║░║░╠═2 partioning and format USB as FAT32 limit 32GB
║░║░║░╠═3 list partitions of attached disks
║░║░║░╚═4 delete and create swap partition
║░║░╠═22 find
║░║░║░╠═1 find file and sed CRLF to LF
║░║░║░╠═2 find file and sed TAB to 4SPACES
║░║░║░╠═3 find with basename
║░║░║░╠═4 find with size
║░║░║░╚═5 find with maxdepth
║░║░╠═23 firefox
║░║░║░╠═1 downgrade and upgrade
║░║░║░╠═2 font change
║░║░║░╚═3 Add-on
║░║░║░░░╠═1 Open Link with New Tab : install as a firefox's add-on
║░║░║░░░║░╚═1 Open Link with New Tab : guide url
║░║░║░░░╚═2 Vimium-FF : install as a firefox's add-on
║░║░║░░░░░╠═1 Vimium-FF : Github source
║░║░║░░░░░╚═2 Vimium-FF : document for exclude
║░║░╠═24 font
║░║░║░╠═1 D2Coding
║░║░║░╚═2 Malgun Gothic
║░║░╠═25 frep : activate frep on android
║░║░╠═26 git : purge built in git
║░║░╠═27 gitlab : Official Math Document
║░║░╠═28 gnome
║░║░║░╠═1 gnome desktop icon : create
║░║░║░╚═2 gnome terminal : execute by CLI with window-size
║░║░╠═29 Google
║░║░║░╠═1 Google Drive : ocamlfuse = unofficial client
║░║░║░╚═2 Google SpreadSheet : unlock sheet of excel xslx file without password
║░║░╠═30 GRUB
║░║░║░╠═1 reset PassWord
║░║░║░╚═2 enable touchpad
║░║░╠═31 gzip, gunzip : compress/decompress a file
║░║░╠═32 Image
║░║░║░╚═1 convert : resize width, height
║░║░╠═33 Install : with UEFI mode
║░║░╠═34 join : merge by 1st column with two files
║░║░╠═35 Libre Office : remove
║░║░╠═36 lid switch : handle lid switch on as lock
║░║░╠═37 linux-firmware: intel cpu warnings
║░║░╠═38 LVM : format and mount attached device
║░║░╠═39 memory : cat /proc/meminfo
║░║░╠═40 mkfs
║░║░║░╠═1 mkfs.exfat : make filesystem exfat
║░║░║░╠═2 mkfs.ext4 : make filesystem ext4
║░║░║░╚═3 mkfs.xfs : make filesystem xfs
║░║░╠═41 mount
║░║░║░╠═1 remount /home to other disk
║░║░║░╚═2 remount /var to other disk
║░║░╠═42 mpstat : monitoring CPU's processors
║░║░╠═43 network
║░║░║░╠═1 static
║░║░║░╠═2 dhcp
║░║░║░╚═3 hostname : why use this
║░║░╠═44 nmap : port check
║░║░╠═45 nohup : use
║░║░╠═46 NVIDIA driver, CUDA, cuDNN, Tensorflow, Keras
║░║░║░╠═1 nvidia driver410 cuda9 cudnn7.4 to keras
║░║░║░╚═2 nvidia driver418 cuda10 cudnn7.4 to keras
║░║░╠═47 opencv : build and install opencv 3.4.0
║░║░╠═48 opera : save stream video as file
║░║░╠═49 p4v p4merge : install
║░║░╠═50 parted
║░║░║░╠═1 parted list : check model of attached disks
║░║░║░╚═2 swap partition : remove and create swap partition
║░║░╠═51 passwd : root passwd update
║░║░╠═52 pdf
║░║░║░╠═1 Excel to PDF
║░║░║░╠═2 ghostscript
║░║░║░║░╠═1 log
║░║░║░║░║░╠═1 merge on log
║░║░║░║░║░╠═2 resize on log
║░║░║░║░║░╚═3 split on log
║░║░║░║░╚═2 source
║░║░║░║░░░╠═1 merge on source
║░║░║░║░░░╠═2 resize on source
║░║░║░║░░░╠═3 split on source
║░║░║░║░░░╚═4 pdf to png on source
║░║░║░╠═3 LaTex : GitLab Link
║░║░║░╠═4 PDF to png : 2p of pdf -> png
║░║░║░╚═5 Word to PDF
║░║░╠═53 Python
║░║░║░╠═1 configure python 2.7, 3.5 env
║░║░║░╠═2 ImportError : after pip3 install --upgrade pip
║░║░║░╚═3 numpy pandas : as system package with python3.5.2
║░║░╠═54 realpath : get real path of link file
║░║░╠═55 rsync
║░║░║░╠═1 option -avh : folder to folder
║░║░║░╠═2 option -aqxP : /var to other folder
║░║░║░╚═3 option --remove-source-files : folder to folder
║░║░╠═56 ruby, rbenv, ruby-build : install and configure
║░║░╠═57 run-level : change
║░║░╠═58 screen : use
║░║░╠═59 sed
║░║░║░╠═1 remove ^M in text file
║░║░║░╠═2 replace every 3rd comma to semicolon
║░║░║░╚═3 space regular expression
║░║░╠═60 snap
║░║░║░╚═1 snap : install slack
║░║░╠═61 sort
║░║░║░╠═1 by key as string or number, substring or subnumber
║░║░║░╚═2 --ignore-case : Upper/Lower case
║░║░╠═62 ssh
║░║░║░╠═1 pssh install : parallel-ssh
║░║░║░╚═2 file rsymc by pssh : rsync and md5sum a file on cluster by pssh
║░║░╠═63 StartUp Applications : add program
║░║░╠═64 Steam : Install on Ubuntu16
║░║░╠═65 substring : remove from beginning or back + long or short
║░║░╠═66 tac : read from bottom to top
║░║░╠═67 tar
║░║░║░╠═1 uncompress : tgz
║░║░║░╚═2 compress : folder
║░║░╠═68 tmux : install, configure, use
║░║░╠═69 touch : accessed modified timestamp
║░║░╠═70 tr : replace string
║░║░╠═71 tzdata : time zone
║░║░╠═72 unicode : box char
║░║░╠═73 update-alternatives
║░║░║░╠═1 --install : java, javac
║░║░║░╚═2 --install : vi, vim
║░║░╠═74 userdel
║░║░╠═75 usermod : add User to Group
║░║░╠═76 vim
║░║░║░╠═1 Cmd-Mode
║░║░║░║░╠═1 Move Cursor
║░║░║░║░╠═2 Switch Line Up and Down
║░║░║░║░╚═3 Repeat lastest command on Cmd-Mode
║░║░║░╠═2 CmdLine-Mode
║░║░║░║░╠═1 Repeat latest command on CmdLine-Mode
║░║░║░║░╚═2 save as other file
║░║░║░╚═3 ETC
║░║░║░░░╠═1 vim diff
║░║░║░░░╠═2 vim diff refresh
║░║░║░░░╠═3 vim split
║░║░║░░░╠═4 vimrc encoding UTF8 (Korean)
║░║░║░░░╚═5 vim tab option
║░║░╠═77 vncserver, vnc4server
║░║░║░╠═1 vnc4server : remote control ubuntu
║░║░║░╚═2 vncserver : remote access sharing
║░║░╠═78 vpn : vpn gate client on terminal
║░║░╠═79 Window : resize shortcut
║░║░╠═80 x2go : install
║░║░╠═81 xwininfo : get window size
║░║░╚═82 xz
║░║░░░╠═1 xz : compress file
║░║░░░╚═2 xz : decompress file
║░╠═2 ubuntu18.04
║░║░╠═1 7z : install and unzip a file.zip with password
║░║░╠═2 alias
║░║░║░╚═1 lf : find and echo path of all files
║░║░╠═3 apt
║░║░║░╚═1 apt repository : add remove change
║░║░╠═4 apt-get
║░║░║░╠═1 error : dpkg was interrupted
║░║░║░╠═2 install
║░║░║░║░╠═1 libreoffice
║░║░║░║░╚═2 vino : screen sharing
║░║░║░╚═3 upgrade
║░║░║░░░╚═1 chrome
║░║░╠═5 awk
║░║░║░╠═1 column to rows
║░║░║░╠═2 if else
║░║░║░╠═3 match pattern
║░║░║░╠═4 max min
║░║░║░╠═5 remove blank line
║░║░║░╠═6 rows to column
║░║░║░╠═7 use external argument
║░║░║░╠═8 length
║░║░║░╠═9 substr
║░║░║░╚═10 use variable in awk
║░║░╠═6 bash
║░║░║░╠═1 current shell : check
║░║░║░╠═2 loop statement
║░║░║░║░╠═1 break : for loop statement
║░║░║░║░╠═2 for statement
║░║░║░║░║░╠═1 iterate by argument
║░║░║░║░║░╠═2 iterate by list
║░║░║░║░║░╠═3 iterate by num++
║░║░║░║░║░╚═4 iterate by file
║░║░║░║░╠═3 if statement : Tutorial Link
║░║░║░║░║░╠═1 condition argument count check
║░║░║░║░║░╠═2 condition argument existence check
║░║░║░║░║░╠═3 condition check file exist
║░║░║░║░║░╚═4 condition check file exist and not empty
║░║░║░║░╚═4 while statement
║░║░║░╠═3 variable
║░║░║░║░╠═1 number
║░║░║░║░║░╠═1 convert string to number of variable
║░║░║░║░║░╚═2 Multiplication
║░║░║░║░╚═2 string
║░║░║░║░░░╠═1 assign command result string to variable
║░║░║░║░░░╠═2 assign file path string to variable
║░║░║░║░░░╠═3 convert number to string of variable
║░║░║░║░░░╠═4 remove backwards short matched substring of string
║░║░║░║░░░╚═5 substring with position and length of string
║░║░║░╚═4 redirect : print to null
║░║░╠═7 brew
║░║░║░╠═1 install brew : on Ubuntu18
║░║░║░╠═2 brew install package
║░║░║░║░╚═1 brew install gcc git python vim
║░║░║░╠═3 brew upgrade package
║░║░║░║░╠═1 brew upgrade git : check link file after upgrade
║░║░║░║░╚═2 brew upgrade python : configure after upgrade
║░║░║░╚═4 brew upgrade packages : with shell scripts
║░║░╠═8 clipit
║░║░║░╚═1 install clipit by apt-get : clip board app
║░║░╠═9 desktop
║░║░║░╠═1 guide Ubuntu18 partition for directory
║░║░║░╠═2 install Ubuntu18 desktop ref
║░║░║░╠═3 Ubuntu18 hardware
║░║░║░╠═4 partition and HDD structure
║░║░║░╚═5 partition for dual boot
║░║░╠═10 dpkg
║░║░║░╠═1 install and remove package
║░║░║░╚═2 list
║░║░╠═11 find
║░║░║░╠═1 find with exclude a file or folder
║░║░║░╚═2 find with exclude a Permission Denied folder
║░║░╠═12 GIMP
║░║░║░╠═1 add box on PNG image file
║░║░║░╚═2 Export As PNG image file
║░║░╠═13 GNOME
║░║░║░░░╠═1 Mouse Right Click to create Empty Document
║░║░║░░░╚═2 Mouse Right Click to open terminal
║░║░╠═14 Kernel : kernel boot error
║░║░╠═15 Kubeflow : install
║░║░╠═16 lsb_release : check linux disribution name
║░║░╠═17 ntp : time sync
║░║░╠═18 NVIDIA
║░║░║░╠═1 install nvidia container toolkit
║░║░║░╚═2 install nvidia driver and CUDA
║░║░╠═19 ps : process
║░║░╠═20 Pycharm
║░║░║░╚═1 shortcut : move cursor to previous position
║░║░╠═21 sdk
║░║░║░╠═1 insall sdk : Software Development Kit Manager
║░║░║░╠═2 sdk install JDK
║░║░║░╠═3 sdk uninstall JDK
║░║░║░╚═4 update sdk
║░║░╠═22 sed
║░║░║░╠═1 command line option -n : no-autoprint
║░║░║░╚═2 command option
║░║░║░░░╠═1 d : delete
║░║░║░░░╠═2 p : print
║░║░║░░░╠═3 q : exit
║░║░║░░░╚═4 s : replace string to newString
║░║░╠═23 settings : enable korean
║░║░╠═24 snap
║░║░║░╠═1 snap install docker
║░║░║░╠═2 snap install GIMP
║░║░║░╠═3 snap install intellij
║░║░║░╠═4 snap install vscode
║░║░║░╠═5 snap list --all
║░║░║░╚═6 snap remove --revision
║░║░╠═25 ssh
║░║░║░╠═1 enable root login
║░║░║░╠═2 install and enable user login
║░║░║░╚═3 ssh-key : ssh login without passowrd
║░║░╠═26 Startup Disk Creator : Ubuntu 18 server ISO file to USB
║░║░╠═27 update : automatic security update
║░║░╚═28 vim
║░║░░░╚═1 CmdLine Mode
║░║░░░░░╠═1 Move Line
║░║░░░░░╠═2 Join Lines
║░║░░░░░╠═3 Macro on Register : List up and Clear
║░║░░░░░╠═4 CRLF to LF
║░║░░░░░╚═5 Regular Expression
║░╚═3 ubuntu20.04
║░░░╠═1 apt
║░░░║░╚═1 apt autoremove
║░░░╠═2 apt-get
║░░░║░╚═1 apt-get purge remmina
║░░░╠═3 awk
║░░░║░╚═1 change field delimiter
║░░░╠═4 Desktop
║░░░║░╠═1 Display Manager : Change to lightdm from gdm3
║░░░║░╚═2 Install Desktop on UEFI and Legacy BIOS system
║░░░╠═5 Disks
║░░░║░╚═1 format usb as NTFS
║░░░╠═6 snap
║░░░║░╠═1 snap install barrier
║░░░║░╠═2 snap install remmina
║░░░║░╠═3 snap install sublime-text
║░░░║░╚═4 snap refresh package
║░░░╚═7 xargs
║░░░░░╠═1 xargs -n 2
║░░░░░╚═2 xargs -r
╠═2 CentOS
║░╠═1 CentOS 6.9
║░║░╠═1 docker : install
║░║░╠═2 git : install git(version 2.x) by yum
║░║░╠═3 network
║░║░║░╠═1 static
║░║░║░╚═2 dhcp
║░║░╠═4 sar
║░║░║░╠═1 install and configure sar
║░║░║░╠═2 sar cpu
║░║░║░╠═3 sar memory
║░║░║░╚═4 sar start end
║░║░╚═5 sed : replace string /t to tab character
║░╚═2 CentOS 7.9.2009
║░░░╚═1 ssh : install and configure
╠═3 Mac
║░╚═1 Sierra, Mojave
║░░░╠═1 Battery : Charge Status
║░░░╠═2 brew : install brew
║░░░║░╠═1 brew install / brew cask install
║░░░║░║░╠═1 brew cask install adb
║░░░║░║░╠═2 brew cask install p4v # p4merge for git diff.tool
║░░░║░║░╠═3 brew cask install sublime-text
║░░░║░║░╠═4 brew install cask
║░░░║░║░╠═5 brew install gnuplot
║░░░║░║░╠═6 brew install iterm2
║░░░║░║░╠═7 brew install jenv
║░░░║░║░╠═8 brew install jq
║░░░║░║░╠═9 brew install macvim
║░░░║░║░╠═10 brew install maven
║░░░║░║░╠═11 brew install node
║░░░║░║░╠═12 brew install python3
║░░░║░║░╠═13 brew install scrcpy
║░░░║░║░╠═14 brew install tree
║░░░║░║░╚═15 brew install zsh
║░░░║░╠═2 brew uninstall
║░░░║░║░╚═1 brew uninstall node
║░░░║░╠═3 brew upgdate
║░░░║░║░╚═1 brew update
║░░░║░╚═4 brew upgrade
║░░░║░░░╚═1 brew upgrade go
║░░░╠═3 Command_Line_Tools : install
║░░░╠═4 Disk_Utility : format usb
║░░░╠═5 font : download and install
║░░░╠═6 go : install
║░░░╠═7 hdiutil : create bootable Usb for ubuntu
║░░░╠═8 IntelliJ : Shortcut
║░░░╠═9 ITerm2 : ShortKey
║░░░╠═10 Java : Update JRE
║░░░╠═11 jenv : add jdk8
║░░░╠═12 MacTex : Install and configure
║░░░╠═13 MatLab : Install ToolBox wfdb-app-toolbox
║░░░╠═14 Picture : resize picture
║░░░╠═15 preview : merge pdf
║░░░╠═16 Proxy : use proxy
║░░░╠═17 Python : Matplotlib Backends RuntimeError
║░░░╠═18 rsync : exclude
║░░░╠═19 ruby : install and configure ruby, it's env, install package
║░░░╠═20 sed : move CRLF to LF
║░░░╠═21 shasum : get checksum sha1
║░░░╠═22 tr : replace string
║░░░╠═23 tree : install and use
║░░░╠═24 vnc client : Connect to vnc server
║░░░╠═25 zip
║░░░║░╠═1 zip : compress folder
║░░░║░╠═2 zip : splited compress
║░░░║░╚═3 zip : exclude
║░░░╚═26 sh
║░░░░░╠═1 ~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc : Configure with non-login/login
║░░░░░╚═2 ~/.zshrc : example of .zshrc
░░╠═1 tree to contents
░░╠═2 modify contents
░░╠═3 modify README's link filename
░░╠═4 modify README's link title
░░╠═5 list of changed file_name
░░╚═6 auto updated contents by tree



Language:Python 69.9%Language:Shell 30.1%